Revitalizing Ukraine, rebuilding hope—together with Amerikrane

We reconstruct a better future for Ukraine after the devastating war. Partner with Amerikrane today to preserve a brighter tomorrow for Ukrainians.

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About Us

Amerikrane is a leading US-managed organization focused on reconstructing and revitalizing Ukraine after the devastating war with Russia. We provide holistic solutions for rebuilding critical infrastructure, housing, public facilities, and communities severely affected by calamities.

Our hands-on comprehensive expertise:

  • Architecture & Engineering
  • Infrastructure development
  • Urban planning
  • Social development
  • Smart city concepts

We value

Unique perspectives and dedication in everything we do.

We deeply understand the local context and Ukrainian culture. So, Amerikrane applies the best practices and innovative approaches to play a pivotal role in Ukraine’s fast recovery and prosperity in the post-war era.

our Mission is

To help people rebuild and recover after devastating wars and calamities. Amerikrane founders have been successfully collaborating with communities, governments, and organizations in need of reconstruction and revitalization services globally for the last two decades.

Having a wealth of knowledge, our team rejects a one-size-fits-all approach and in every project prioritizes the needs and aspirations of local citizens.

the vision that drives us

Our company is an established and trusted partner in Ukraine’s recovery and development efforts. Amerikrane team believes everyone deserves a chance to recover and give a second life to what was lost. So, we are fully committed to enabling Ukrainians to get back on their feet.

Rebuilding after a crisis is not just about fixing physical structures but also about restoring hope and dignity to the communities affected.

Our services & capabilities

Comprehensive Reconstruction Expertise

Amerikrane's diverse team of experts offers comprehensive solutions for the rebuilding of critical infrastructure, housing, public facilities, and communities that the war has severely impacted. Our hands-on expertise covers architecture, engineering, infrastructure development, urban planning, and social development. This multidisciplinary approach enables us to deliver holistic and future-focused projects that contribute to Ukraine's post-war revitalization and rapid development.

Innovative And Sustainable Solutions

The company is committed to employing innovative and sustainable solutions tailored to the specific needs of Ukraine. We apply environmentally friendly technologies, strategies, and materials to future-proof the resilience and sustainability of the rebuilt infrastructure. Moreover, our team places a strong emphasis on incorporating smart city concepts, digitalization, and modern urban planning principles to create vibrant and inclusive communities for the future.

Local expertise and cultural sensitivity

Local expertise and cultural sensitivity are essential for the onsite rebuilding process. So, Amerikrane actively engages local stakeholders—government agencies, communities, entrepreneurs, investors, and non-profits—to ensure our solutions align with the Ukrainian people's needs. Our company also prioritizes hiring and training local talent, thereby creating jobs and fostering economic empowerment in the communities we serve.

Strong partnerships and collaborations

Amerikrane recognizes the significance of partnerships and collaborations in achieving our mission. We have established long-term strategic alliances with local and global organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, international development banks, and private sector entities. With these collaborations, we leverage a legion of additional resources, funding, and expertise to deliver the most effective and impactful results in the ongoing Ukraine recovery efforts.

How We Achieve Your Goals

Conduct a thorough project assessment and analysis

Develop a comprehensive plan and designs

Implement and manage

Monitor and evaluate

Deliver and sustain


Our leadership has over 21 years of doing business in Ukraine with “boots on the ground” in the face of our Business Director, Taras Ogiychuk, and CEO, Matt Moore.

Dr. Thomas A. Cellucci

EVP of US Government Services

Donald Foster

Senior Advisor

Matthew Moore

Owner, CEO

Taras Ogiychuk

Shareholder, Managing Director, Ukraine

Dasha Plachynda

Chief of Staff, Ukraine

Why people trust us

Our Commitments

At Amerikrane, we foster a responsibility to contribute to a sustainable future and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in all our operations. We practice our commitment to these values in our daily actions, decisions, and business operations. It’s not just a goal but a continuous improvement process—we aim to be a positive force for change in the world.

Commitment to reducing our carbon footprint

1. Sustainability is the core of our approach to project design and implementation.
2. We create environmentally responsible, socially just, and economically viable solutions.
3. We prioritize the use of sustainable materials and clean technologies.
4. Amerikrane focuses on waste reduction, energy efficiency, and circular economy.
5. Our experts assess the long-term impacts of their work on the environment, society, and economy.

Commitment to promoting DEI

1. We stand for a diverse and inclusive workforce and stakeholder teams.
2. The company maintains a welcoming and inclusive work environment.
3. We collaborate with local communities to identify their DEI needs and meet them.
4. Our team ensures that our solutions and projects promote equity and social justice.
5. Amerikrane strives to make our employees feel valued and respected.

Commitment to Green Energy

At Amerikrane, we are dedicated to rebuilding and ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for Ukraine’s communities. Our projects are deeply rooted in principles of environmental stewardship and innovation. We harness alternative energy sources and green technologies to create a foundation for a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable post-war Ukraine.

Solar Energy Integration

By design and installation of state-of-the-art photovoltaic systems Amerikrane is able to Harness the abundant potential solar energy of Ukraine. These installations provide reliable renewable power to residential, commercial and public facilities. This reduces dependency on traditional energy sources and lowers carbon emissions.

Wind Power Solutions

Deployed advanced wind energy technologies harnesses the power of Ukraine's natural wind resources. Integration of wind turbines into infrastructure projects, generates clean electricity and contributes to energy security and sustainability. Local economic development is also promoted.

Energy-Efficient Building Practices

Our architectural and engineering teams prioritize energy efficiency in every project. Cutting-edge materials and construction techniques ensure that our new construction, and reconstruction, meets the highest standards of energy performance. This reduces operational costs and minimizes the environmental footprint.

Smart Grid Implementation

Smart Grid technologies enhance energy distribution and consumption efficiency. These intelligent systems optimize the balance between energy supply and demand. Smart Grid technologies reduce waste and enable better integration into the national grid of renewable energy sources.

Green Urban Planning

Our urban planning initiatives incorporate green spaces, sustainable transportation options and eco-friendly infrastructure. Designing cities with a focus on sustainability improves air quality, reduces heat islands and creates healthier, more livable environments for Ukrainian communities.

Research and Innovation

Amerikrane invests in ongoing research and development to explore new frontiers in sustainable energy. Our partnerships with leading academic institutions and technology providers ensure that we stay at the forefront of green energy solutions, continuously improving our methods and outcomes.

Our Impact

By integrating alternative energy sources and sustainable practices into our construction efforts, Amerikrane contributes to Ukraine’s immediate recovery and paves the way to a prosperous, energy-independent and environmentally conscious future. Our commitment to green energy demonstrates our dedication to the long-term resilience and well-being of the Ukrainian people.

Join us in our mission to sustainably rebuild Ukraine. Together, we can create a brighter, greener future for all.

Rewriting the past, the present, and the future for the better


Amerikrane works tirelessly to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions that make a meaningful impact on people’s lives. We operate globally wherever our help is needed in countries torn by cataclysms or military conflicts. Our current focus is on Ukraine, which desperately strives to become even better than it was before the barbaric Russian invasion.

Construction & Architecture Design

Engineering & Planning

Sustainable Development

Smart Cities & Digitalization

Giving a second life to what was lost.
Together with Amerikrane

Our Partners

We partner with industry leaders in engineering and construction, the USA Government, and investors. Join us in a network of vision-driven people who want to help Ukraine recover and rebuild after the brutal war with Russia.

Our strategic alliances

Engineering firms

USA Government

Construction companies

Private Investors

Venture Capital

Raising cities and communities from ruins.